When user logouts and press on login Auth0 user is logged in automatically without any verification,please helpme

When user logouts and press on login Auth0 user is logged in automatically without any verification,please help me ,I have tried this on logout button :
const logoutUrl = https://${process.env.REACT_APP_AUTH0_DOMAIN}/v2/logout?returnTo=${encodeURIComponent( window.location.origin )}&client_id=${process.env.REACT_APP_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID};

window.location.href = logoutUrl;

Hey there!

Can you share more precise context about your usecase and what you are trying to achieve so we can help you? Thanks!

I am facing Problem that when user is logged out first by using logout() function from Auth0 then when user comes to login ,he is automatically logged in without any verification,I have surfed multiple community articles but not got solution

You mean that they don’t need to input their email and password again after being logged out and coming to login?

Yes They are logged in without any authentication
this is demo of issue:video link

Hi Konrad, I’m experiencing the exact same issue mentioned here. Is there a solution?

I’m not sure what you are using for login. Please try the one below

const options = {
  connection: 'google-oauth2 / apple / facebook',
  prompt: 'select_account'

await loginWithPopup({ authorizationParams: options });