Auth0 SDK for .NET Desktop and Mobile Applications Supports MAUI

Support for .NET MAUI is now available in the Auth0 SDK for .NET Desktop and Mobile Applications. Let’s have a quick overview.
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:writing_hand:t2: Brought to you by @andrea.chiarelli

Got questions? Don’t worry; we’re like the cool teachers who encourage asking!

Should this package also be used in MAUI Blazor Hybrid applications targeting .NET 8.0? Unfortunately the article covering MAUI Blazor Hybrid is very out of date, looking for any help I can get.

Hi @adam16,
The quick answer to your question is: yes, you should use this SDK for MAUI Blazor Hybrid apps too.

Unfortunately, the current article about MAUI Blazor Hybrid uses an approach that was in place before the release of the SDK. An update is in the plans.