MAUI support for our .NET OIDC SDK for Mobile and Native applications now in General Availability

MAUI support for our .NET OIDC SDK for Mobile and Native applications now in General Availability

The Auth0 SDKs team is proud to mention that support for MAUI in our .NET OIDC SDKs for Mobile and Native is now available in GA. With MAUI being the follow-up of Xamarin Forms and Microsoft’s latest solution for cross-platform application development, we are closing the gap in our .NET offering.

The MAUI SDK builds on top of Auth0.OidcClient.Core, the core functionality shared among our SDKs for iOS, Android, WPF, Winforms and UWP that we already offer.

This allows us to support a brand-new environment through the usage of functionality that has been battle-tested for several years already. The SDK allows integrating Auth0 in MAUI applications that target Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows in a consistent way. More information can be found in the repository’s readme, as well as the nuget package.
