Add Auth0 Authentication to Blazor Hybrid Apps in .NET MAUI

Learn how to authenticate users of your .NET MAUI Blazor application using Auth0.
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:writing_hand:t2: Brought to you by @andrea.chiarelli


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The GitHub files have been deleted so there’s some work on going into the pull history to get the needed code.

Hi @sfernandez,
Sorry, I’m not sure what GitHub files are referring to :thinking:
As far as I can see, the sample project looks ok. Am I missing something?

@andrea.chiarelli , in the hyperlink text ‘this GitHub repo.’ linked to this sentence, it leads to a wrong link:, but the one you put in the comments works: dotnet-blazor-maui-auth0-app/Auth0 at main · auth0-blog/dotnet-blazor-maui-auth0-app · GitHub.

Hey @danilo.vetturini,
Welcome to the Auth0 community!

You are right, the link in the article is no longer working because it refers to a previous version of the repo. Thank you for reporting :pray:

I’m in the process of updating the current MAUI content because now we have a MAUI SDK, which simplifies significantly the code. This article still uses the previous approach and, as said, points to a repo that has been updated.
I have temporarily fixed the link now, but I plan to update the article in about a week or so.

Stay tuned!

Hello, is there an updated version of this article for .NET 8 available?

Is it possible to remember credentials and have the user automatically logged in on start-up? This is how it works in the iOS Native app using Auth0. Using this method I have to click Log-in and then hit “Continue” to allow it to sign in. I don’t have to retype my credentials again, but I would like to remove those two extra steps for users of my app.