Auth0 Organizational Login

I am unable to have a signup button after using the organization.
Do we have a chance to have a signup button while using organization?

Hi @amit.raj and welcome to our Community :slight_smile:

Can you please share more on the current flow? What’s the first screen a user sees when trying to log in? I’m referring to these settings:

Does the connection enabled for a specific organization support sign-up? (In the case of enterprise connections, only users that are in the federated IdP can log in, so from the Auth0 “layer,” there is no option to add a new user).

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I am using the same settings. But do we have any chances to do the change in auth0 so that I can achieve sign in according to organization.

And Do we have any option where we can Create an admin user under one organization and then I want to give access to admin so that he is able to create an account with different roles in their organization?

Hi @amit.raj :wave:

Thanks - there won’t be the option to sign up. In this B2B scenario, you would have to separate the logic for sign-up and sign-in (two separate applications). For context and “how to” please take a look here: How to enable B2B Saas Sign-up - #2.

To sign in according to the organization (in other words, allow users to sign in only if they are a member of a specific organization), we would additionally select the option “Disable Auto-Membership” under the Organization’s connection settings.

Please refer to the topic linked. You will find there general guidance on how to achieve it.

Please let me know any questions that arise may from that.

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