“@auth0/nextjs-auth0”: “0.16.0”
“next”: “10.0.3”,
“react”: “17.0.1”,
“react-dom”: “17.0.1”
I’m using next.js/examples/auth0 at deprecated-main · vercel/next.js · GitHub auth0 example to authenticate with next-js.
I have two social connections configured, Bitbucket and Github. How do i skip the Universal Login Screen and go directly to the relevant connection?
handleLogin: (req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse, options?: LoginOptions) => Promise;
export interface LoginOptions {
getState?: (req: NextApiRequest) => Record<string, any>;
authParams?: AuthorizationParameters;
redirectTo?: string;
export interface AuthorizationParameters {
acr_values?: string;
audience?: string;
display?: string;
login_hint?: string;
max_age?: string;
prompt?: string;
scope?: string;
state?: string;
ui_locales?: string;
[key: string]: unknown;
I don’t see any params to pass the connection name, how do i do that?