Auth0 Guard Configuration


I am currently trying to set up auth0 in my mult-tenant application. the issue I am running into is that we use the Auth Facade EVERYWHERE in this application and it appears somewhere along the lines of setting up auth0, the default is now, auth0, once running through the auth0 procedures, I can run auth('auth0-session')->user() and get the auth0 user and i can run auth('web')->user() to get my db user (after a lookup using email). However, when i do not specify web or auth0-session, it appears to default to the auth0 guard instead of the web guard. i would prefer not to have to update all the implementations of our Auth usage. the default guard in the auth.php file is set to web as well and I have the registerGuards set to false in the auth0.php config file

It seems like you are facing a configuration issue with the default guard behavior in your multi-tenant application after integrating Auth0. To ensure that the default guard remains as web even after setting up Auth0, you can consider the following steps:

  1. Check Configurations:

    • Ensure that the default guard in the auth.php file is indeed set to web. Double-check the config/auth.php file to verify that the web guard is configured as the default guard.
  2. Check Auth0 Configuration:

    • Verify the configuration in the auth0.php file. As you mentioned, you have already set registerGuards to false. Additionally, ensure that the guards configuration in the auth0.php file is not conflicting with the default guard configuration.
  3. Review Session Configuration:

    • Review the session configuration in your config/session.php file. Ensure that the driver is set to file or another appropriate session driver that aligns with your application’s requirements.
  4. Inspect Auth0 Session Guard:

    • Examine the configuration of the auth0-session guard in the auth.php file. Verify that it is not inadvertently influencing the default guard behavior.
  5. Check Middleware:

    • Review any custom middleware or Auth-related middleware used in your application. Ensure that the middleware is not explicitly setting the guard for specific routes or controllers.
  6. Consider Customizing the Auth Facade:

    • If modifying all implementations of the Auth Facade usage throughout the application is not a preferred option, you may consider creating a custom wrapper or helper for the Auth Facade. This wrapper can internally handle the guard resolution based on your desired behavior.
  7. Test Default Guard Behavior:

    • Create a simple test route or controller method to check the default guard behavior. Use the default Auth Facade methods without explicitly specifying the guard and observe the behavior. This can help in identifying whether the default guard is correctly being honored.
  8. Review Auth0 Documentation:

    • Check the official documentation and community forums for Auth0. There might be specific considerations or best practices when integrating Auth0 in a multi-tenant application that could provide insights into your configuration issue.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the default guard remains as web as desired, even after integrating Auth0, without having to extensively modify the existing Auth usage throughout the application.