Auth0 custom sub domain redirects to domain


I have a custom domain
I have a login route on my react app: which uses loginWithRedirect
If I browse to the root app page or login page I get redirected to the auth custom domain with params : u/login?state=…
But if I browse to the custom auth domain the browser’s URL is switching to (company’s public web site).
I expect to redirect to the with state params (u/login?state=…)


Based on the information that you provided and the results from my predefined tools, I can suggest some possible solutions for your problem. Here are some steps that you can try:

  • Check if you have configured your custom domain correctly in Auth0. You need to verify your domain ownership, set up a CNAME record, and enable custom domains in your tenant settings. You also need to update your application settings and universal login page to use your custom domain. You can find more details and instructions on how to do this in the Auth0 documentation.
  • Check if you have configured your react app correctly to use loginWithRedirect. You need to initialize the Auth0Provider component with your custom domain as the domain prop, and use the useAuth0 hook to access the loginWithRedirect function. You also need to specify the redirectUri prop as the URL where you want the user to be redirected after login. You can find more details and instructions on how to do this in the Auth0 documentation.
  • Check if you have any conflicting DNS records or redirects that are causing your custom domain to switch to your main domain. You can use tools like DNS Checker or Redirect Checker to verify your DNS and redirect settings. You may need to contact your domain registrar or hosting provider to fix any issues with your DNS or redirect settings.

I hope this helps you solve your problem. Please let me know if you have any other questions or feedback. I’m always happy to help.

Best Regard,

I have the same issue, checked these 3 points, OP did you find a solution? Auth0 do you have any other suggestions?