is AVG blacklisted


we got a report from some of our users that “{our company}” is blocked by AVG antivirus software. The message that appear is

We’ve safely aborted connection on {our company} because it was infected with URL:Blacklist.

Is there something that we can do? Are there any other customers experiencing the same problems?

Hey there @Krasimir_Tsonev, I am currently looking into this matter. As soon as I have some feedback I will be sure to share. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

Thank you for the quick feedback.

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Can you share what version of AVG you’re running, along with what OS? Is it possible you can direct message me test credentials so we can try to reproduce what you’re experiencing. Thanks in advance!

Hi @Krasimir_Tsonev.
Do you mind sharing the unedited picture via DM, so that I can look at the full URL being blocked?

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@James.Morrison I’ll try to get more information on what’s the OS and AVG version.
@nicolas_sabena done. I just sent you a DM.

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I wanted to reach out @Krasimir_Tsonev and see if this is something you are still experiencing? If sol any additional details could help us in our investigation. Thanks!

Hello, I don’t have any reports from our marketing team. So I guess this could be considered fixed/solved. Thanks.

Sounds great! Please let us know if there’s anything in the future we can assist with!

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