(Dashboard) login is inconsistent when social signup is member of two teams

I have an account on Auth0 that is part of two teams. One is a free account, and the other is an enterprise paid account.

I log into the dashboard by clicking the “login” link at the top of the website (

I select my social login provider (ex google), and SOMETIMES I am prompted to select which team I want to login to, but not always. Most of the time (even with cleared browser cache and cookies) I just get logged into my free team.

There’s no way to switch the current team in the dashboard, so ultimately I cannot login to my enterprise team’s Auth0 dashboard.

Please help! Thank you!

Hi @oem,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Can you kindly provide me with the email address associated with the account, the tenant names, and the team names? With that information, I can take a closer look at this.


Mary Beth

Thanks for the reply @marybeth.hunter

For others encountering this issue:

I have partially figured this out, in that I am able to access the other team (and that team’s tenants) by using the “switch tenants” menu option in the dashboard after I have logged in. This is a bit confusing, but essentially allows me to get into the other team context.

However, during my actual login to the Auth0 dashboard, it’s still inconsistent on asking me which team I want to log into. I will follow up with you in a private message on that part. Thank you.

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