Auth0 automatically reassigns all applications to a different (default?) tenant/domain

Here’s an example of what I am currently experiencing.

I have created multiple tenants in the following order:


Then I created an app applicationBar in tenant tenantBar. The configuration for this looks something like this:

Name: applicationBar
ClientID: clientId123Bar

The application is also listed MenuApplicationsApplications when tenantBar is the selected tenant. So far so good, this is exactly what I would expect.

Shortly after creating the application, when I refresh the list of applications the application will be gone and can now be found in tenantFoo and will have the following configuration:

Name: applicationBar
ClientID: clientId123Bar

What am I missing here? I would expect an application to be assigned to a single tenant and to be immovable.

In my client-side Angular code I was using the following configuration:

	domain: '[dot]com',
	clientId: 'clientId123Bar'

When redirecting the user to the Universal Login using the initial domain ([dot]com) I will get the following error message:

**invalid_request** : The client with id: "clientId123Bar" (tenantBar) was not found

If I change the configuration to this, it works again:

	domain: '[dot]com',
	clientId: 'clientId123Bar'

Hi @gwesterman,

How are you creating the applications? Can you share a screencast of this behavior?

You can send me the video in a DM if it is sensitive.

When I open the dashboard using Chrome’s incognito mode everything works as it should.

Opening it in a normal tab with activated plug-ins (none of them in any way exotic) results in the behaviour of the dashboard being unpredictable, unstable and overall very buggy.

This is the first time ever that I have experienced problems like this on any website but I imagine this issue is out of scope for this forum.

Hm…if it is caused by a browser extension then it is unlikely we can do anything about it.

You may be able to disable the browser extension for auth0 domains which could resolve the issue.