Hi! We have a client that registered to auth0 with an email that has an apostrophe and is unable to open the “reset password” email.
Steps to reproduce:
Create a user with an apostrophe in the email from The API:
const { ManagementClient, AuthenticationClient } = require('auth0'); const aClient = new AuthenticationClient({...credentials}); const mClient = new ManagementClient({...credentials}); // create function const user = await mClient.createUser({email: "namela’name@gmail.com", name: "Name La’name"}) // user created successfully await aClient.requestChangePasswordEmail({email,...credentials}); // reset password link is sent to user email
User clicks on the set password link in the Email > receives blank page. In the console, we see a SyntaxError
Can the issue be related to the apostrophe? user without apostrophe are able to open the link successfully.