I’m using this guide. I’ve not changed anything about it, beyond putting together the .env file. I start the project, use VSC’s rest client and get a bearer token (from us. auth0 .com), then use that bearer token to request http://localhost:4040/api/messages/protected
which responds as “Bad Credentials”.
Did I miss a step?
Hi @chris.gorman.ws
Welcome to the Auth0 Community!
Can you check if you set the token in the header properly?
authorization: Bearer AUTH0-ACCESS-TOKEN
It has been set, but the error persists. I even tried explicitly including the word Bearer and it still ended up where we are.
For fun, I rebuilt the idea in Postman and now it gives me Internal Server Error. The exception is below:
Can you share the full request and any essential code snippets?
The full request is just GET http://localhost:4040/api/messages/protected
with the bearer token.
As for code, the quick start linked above is the entire codebase.
Close. So that was likely in reference to this line:
options.Authority = $"https://{builder.Configuration.GetValue<string>("AUTH0_DOMAIN")}/";
Which I had mistakenly configured to include the protocol and ending / inside the .env file. Removed those and I’ve got it to work inside postman.
February 14, 2024, 8:36pm
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