I am developing a web application using asp .net core and React with auth0. So far, I’ve had no issues with setting up the spa-client and the api. However, I am facing the following issue when calling my api: “401, Bearer error=“invalid_token”, The audience is invalid”.
I’ve used this guide to set up server authorization:
I’ve tried following this guide in order to send the access token and test the authorization:
I’ve also tried reading through similar topics and none of the solutions have helped.
Here is the auth0 setup in my appsettings.json:
“Auth0”: {
“Domain”: “https://dev-********.us.auth0.com/”,
“Audience”: “https://localhost:44350/api”
Here is the setup in my index.js file
I am using axios to send my request. Here is how I acquired the token and created the authorization header:
const { getAccessTokenSilently } = useAuth0();
const token = await getAccessTokenSilently();
const axiosConfig = {
headers: { Authorization: Bearer ${token}
When executing a put request, these are the headers:
And this is the response:
The only thing that seems out of the ordinary is that there are two audiences inside of the token. I’m not sure why the ‘https://…/userinfo’ keeps getting added and whether that is the problem. If so, please provide me with an answer on how to fix this issue.
Sorry for the long message, I wanted to make sure I have provided all the required information. Please let me know if you need anything else.
Looking forward to the reply,