I am exploring the new auth0-spa-js library. My currently webapp (using auth0 js) only supports Google Sign In (by choice for for now), so on the first page shown the user has a “Continue with Google” button, and clicking that immediately signs the user in with google (showing google’s sign in page or account chooser as applicable).
So when I create a proof of concept with auth-spa-js - when the user clicks “Continue with Google” on my home page, it brings the user to the Auth0 universal login page, with only one button “Continue with Google” - so it doesn’t make sense from a user perspective to click this twice on two different pages.
So my questions are:
- If there is e.g. only social login provider I am using, is it possible to skip the Universal Login page and go straight to e.g. google sign in (or whatever the single supported social login is setup)?
- If so, would this be possible programmatically, i.e. if I ended up also supporting facebook login, could I pass the information to the call to loginWithRedirect so that it e.g. skips the login screen and selects the provider I have passed (facebook or google) depending on what button the user has clicked in my webapp’s page?
I know I could go back to using auth0 js but I wanted to see if I can use the new library.