AngularJS 1.5 with API access

I want to use Auth0 with my AngularJS 1.5+ web application. I need to be able to authenticate users from the web application and then use the Auth0 token to secure my back end API. I also would like to not force them to re-enter their password ever few hours.

Is there a good tutorial or documentation on how to implement Auth0 for Angular and configure it for silent login and api access? I can only seem to be able to get one or the other working but not both at the same time.


The following links outlines the Implicit Grant flow for client-side applications to obtain access tokens to call your API:

Should I be using the current version of Lock, V10 or an older version? The quick start is all in Lock 8 (I think) and all the documentation is for lock 10.

The reason I ask, is that using the older version of Lock, I can get the social and username-password to work, but I can’t seem to set the access_type=offline for Google. When I use Lock V10, I can get Google to work perfectly, but username-password does not work. Since I have a back end api, I have to enable OIDC compliance, which let’s me use an Audience, but as soon as I turn that on, username-password logins do not work.