Angular Auth0 Template: Error After Log In

Good Afternoon, this is my first time using Auth0 and i have some problems.

After following the configuration for an Single Page (Angular) App, i downloaded THIS code, updated it with my application data and then running the project.

At First, it seems fine with the Log In Application working as intended.

But after a Log In on ANY means (using Outlook, Gmail or Email/Password with a Pre created user), the next thing that happens is that i got this error:

After this error, i could not log in again. To do so, i need to delete the profile linked with the account that logged into the app. I know that this is related to the time to expire the user after being logged.

But i am requesting support to show the Profile Page from the project. I think that after being logged in, it should redirect there buy instaed got the error page from before.

By an error uploading images, THIS is the image that i wanted to show.

I am pretty sure that my Domain, ClientID and Audience (Obtained from the API Identifier) are properly configurated.

So i do not know what is wrong with my app.