Android "not found" error when using social login

Which SDK this is regarding:
Running on Android phones version 29 and up

I am having trouble with logging in using Auth0’s social login (Fitbit) inside a Chrome custom tab on Android. When the social login goes to redirect back to my app using my specified Auth0 callback URL, it goes to a page that says “Not found” in plain text with no other information.

My specified callback URL is https://{my-tenant}{my-android-package}/callback. When I open the failing URL in Chrome proper, it looks like this: https://{my-tenant}{my-android-package}/callback?code=L…k&state=J…E (information redacted by the …s).

I am using a CredentialsManager to hold the credentials that should be returned by the login process.

I have tried the following to rectify the problem:

  • Clearing the browser cache (Chrome in my simulation, Firefox on my physical phone)
  • Clearing the CredentialsManager on Activity creation (which then triggers the login)
  • The problem also occurs when using the Auth0 standard login

Any help in getting my app to login correctly is appreciated!

Hey there @lizfltn!

Thanks for the detailed description of the issue you’re seeing :smiley:

Considering this is happening without a social provider involved, I don’t think there’s an issue there - This is good news as that can get tricky!

I believe this is related to the defining your app’s auth0Scheme as https like:

manifestPlaceholders = [auth0Domain: "@string/com_auth0_domain", auth0Scheme: "https"]

Instead, you might try setting this to a custom one (In our sample apps we use demo for example). Here are some further resources on this:

Hope this helps!


Thank you! Using a custom scheme (in my case, “app”) seems to have fixed my problem!

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Awesome! That’s great to know and thanks for confirming :smile:

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