After successful login it is redirected to Not Found Page

I am trying to implement auth0 authentication in my flutter app it just works fine but after successful login it is redirecting me to Not Found page instead of my application

Hi @mayank

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Did you follow our quickstarter for Flutter → Auth0 Flutter SDK Quickstarts: Add login to your Flutter app


Yes I implemented using this documentation does it requires any additional configuration in android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml ?

Hi, I also encountered the same problem. I followed through the SDK quickstart guide.
The only way I was able to get (login/logout) + redirect to work was through a custom scheme. Using the HTTPS scheme allows me to login but the redirect breaks, and I think android’s App Links might be interfering with this.

Additionally, @mayank I have tried to also add the additional entry needed in AndroidManifest.xml but it hasn’t worked either. I that it is redundant as the app/build.gradle changes should handle that, but it was still worth a shot.