Hey guys, I followed one of your docs to implement Auth0 in Flutter, right now is just like the documentation, just a simple button to Login, that redirects for the web page with Auth0, the problem is that after registering/logging in, the page simply won’t redirect back to my Flutter page, where it should appear the Logout button if successful, I know it’s registering/logging in the user because when I click Login again it’s all blank, to solve this I simply remove the user from the Auth0 dashboard. The logs are this ones:
D/TWAProviderPicker( 5296): Found TWA provider, finishing search: com.android.chrome
V/CustomTabsController( 5296): Trying to bind the service
V/CustomTabsController( 5296): Bind request result (com.android.chrome): true
V/CustomTabsController( 5296): Trying to bind the service
V/CustomTabsController( 5296): Bind request result (com.android.chrome): true
D/CustomTabsController( 5296): CustomTabs Service connected
D/CustomTabsController( 5296): Launching URI. Custom Tabs available: true
E/OpenGLRenderer( 5296): Unable to match the desired swap behavior.
D/EGL_emulation( 5296): app_time_stats: avg=14.26ms min=4.24ms max=38.94ms count=57
It may or not be related to the OpenGL error that says that it was unable to match de desired swap behavior