Analytics for Universal Login page


How can I track or get some event analytics on the Universal Login page? I am mostly interested in Page Views (for both sign-up and login forms) but clicks would also be interesting.

Thank you.

Hey there @ellis.carvalho , thank you for posting!

I’m happy to assist with this question.
Currently, in case you would like to consider such an option, you could write Actions script (node js) to gather log in / sign-up events context and send it to your external analytics service.

Another option would be implementing Google Analytics on the Login Page - here is the Knowledge Article on how to do that and what you could measure with that - Add Google Analytics to New Universal Login

Please let us know if you have any other questions!

Thanks! The actions would not work in my case because I want to track how many users are arriving at the sign-up/login page and giving up before the end of the flow.

Google Analytics might be closer to what I am looking for, but we don’t currently use Google Analytics in our product.

Let’s see if anyone else has more ideas. :pray:

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Hey there @ellis.carvalho !

Sure thing we can leave it for the broader audience @ellis.carvalho ! In terms of what you can find on the Auth0 dashboard - there is no such feature - the Auth0 by Okta product focuses on identity.

[Feel free to add a feature request here :slight_smile: ]

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