After successful social sign in, i get 'Open with ' option in custom tabs

I am using CustomTabsIntent to launch social sign in by using Auth0., but after successful sign, i get 2 options to launch the app.

This is what i get after successful sign in & sign up`.

This is my code.

 final Uri.Builder uriBuilder = new Uri.Builder();
                .appendQueryParameter("code_challenge_method", "S256")
                .appendQueryParameter("code_challenge", codeChallenge)
                .appendQueryParameter("audience", getString(R.string.auth0_audience))
                .appendQueryParameter("scope", "openid profile offline_access email")
                .appendQueryParameter("client_id", getString(R.string.com_auth0_client_id))
                .appendQueryParameter("redirect_uri", getString(R.string.auth0_callback))
                .appendQueryParameter("response_type", "code")
                .appendQueryParameter("prompt", "login")
                .appendQueryParameter("connection", connection);

        CustomTabsIntent customTabsIntent = new CustomTabsIntent.Builder()

        openUrlForResult(customTabsIntent,, 1001);`

I need to know why its showing 2 options to launch the same app,

Hey there!

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