After Login from Google, auth0 not redirecting to the app

This is how i launch Login form.

            .withScope("openid profile email offline_access")
            .start(activity, webCallback);

This displays google login page, but after login it does not redirect user to the app, and keeps showing the loading animation.

On iOS after login it display Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid error.

Please guide me how to fix this issue.

Hey there @waleed1!

I’m not sure what might be the potential root cause of it but in the meantime I found a few links where people faced the same issue and go through it somehow. Maybe let’s give those concepts a try!

Hope it will help!

Thanks Konrad. I don’t know how, but somehow this is now working, I am getting following response after successful login from google in log.

D/OkHttp: {“code”:“jG-asd3df”,“redirect_uri”: “adasd”, “code_verifier”:“asdae3fd”}

Can you guide me how to get this response in java object, The Credentials class does not have these fields.

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