Activate attributes features of database connection

I saw the disable the attributes feature post (Disable the Attributes Feature of a Database Connection)
But I was wondering is there a way to activate the feature currently via terraform or would it be basically the same method via the Auth0 Management API directly only for now?

Hi @daunais.m,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

You can activate the Attributes feature via Terraform by updating your database connection to include the options.attributes.

See Terraform’s doc: Terraform: Auth0 Connection Resource - Attributes


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Hi @rueben.tiow,
Thanks for the welcome!

Indeed I saw that part in the documentaion, but everytime I try to use that one it doesn’t seem to allow me, when I try to plan by example:

options {
    enabled_database_customization = true
    disable_signup                 = true
    import_mode                    = false
    requires_username              = true
    enable_script_context          = true
    brute_force_protection         = true
    password_policy                = "good"

    attributes {
      email {
        identifier {
          active = true
        signup {
          status = true
          verification {
            active = true
      username {
        identifier {
          active = true
        signup {
          status = true
        validation {
          allowed_types {
            email = true
          max_length = 100
          min_length = 1

and a more complete auth0_connection before and after it tells me unsupported block types.
I tried in various different way.

If I do:

    attribute_map {
      mapping_mode = "basic_profile"
      attributes = jsonencode({
        email = {
          signup       = true
          verification = true
          require      = true
        username = {
          signup  = true
          require = true
    validation {
      username {
        min = 1
        max = 100

I can apply but when I go to attributes I have the popup which I need to activate flexible attributes, once activated everything works fine.
But on the next apply the pop up comes back and I need to manually accept it.

I might be doing something wrong or not understanding something.

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My mistake, just noticed that our version doesn’t match the latest, will update and try again.

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Hi @daunais.m,

Sounds good. Let me know on your findings.

Yeah, you were indeed right, with the correct version the options.attributes work wonder!

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