Actions/Flows Not Executing

Hey everyone,

My team and I are currently in the process of implementing login/signup with Auth0. We managed to integrate the Auth0 client smoothly with our client application and signup/login is working fine, however our actions which are bound the the post-user-registration and login flows respectively, are not getting executed. We have followed the documentation and online videos detailing this process and are fairly certain we are implementing them appropriately. Not sure what we can do to get these actions firing properly…

One thing to note is that the connection showing up in our logs for signup/login is N/A. This seems to be an issue as to why the actions aren’t firing, but not sure how to fix it.

Hi @distortionist,

Welcome to the Community!

Could you please DM me your tenant name so I can take a look?

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I’m not seeing any post login actions, you may need to deploy them if you haven’t already done so.

Something that can often cause confusion: new social connection users (e.g. logging in with Google) will not trigger the pre-reg or post-reg actions.

I don’t see the N/A connection. Can you post a copy or screenshot of the log?

Thanks for the response Dan,

I have verified that the actions were in fact deployed at the time of testing. Here is an image detailing the post-user-registration flow.

You are right in that the social connection not triggering pre/post-reg is confusing, but I was aware of this prior to testing, so I’m fairly certain that wasn’t the issue as we were testing with basic auth.

Here is a photo of some logs generated from testing signup/logins

I managed to get a post-user-registration hook working which achieved the same functionality we were hoping to gain, however I am still concerned as to why the post-user-registration action is not showing up in our logs and why pre-user-registration does.

While viewing the hook logs on our post-reg-hook I noticed that the console.logs in our post-user-actions are actually being logged. Here is a snippet:

Thanks for the added detail.

I tested it today and am seeing the same behavior. I see pre-reg action logs in ss events, post-login in s , but I don’t see post-reg logs anywhere.

This may be a bug, or could be expected due to the async nature of post-reg actions. I am going to check with the team and will report back with my findings.

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Here is the follow up:

Post-User-Registration trigger is a fire and forget trigger (same thing as the counterpart in hooks), when the trigger flow is completed, the tenant logs have already been written (since we don’t wait for actions in fire and forget triggers). We are planning on fixing this.

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