Post registration action is not firing

I have created a custom action which works fine using the trial run.
I have hooked this action into the post registration workflow. However, on a new user signup, this doesn’t get triggered.
I have attached a screenshot of how the flow looks. As well as logs from real time webtask logs. The first logs around 2:11 AM are when the signup happened, it printed these, but didn’t actually execute the action.
And the logs after 2:26 AM are of the event that I manually ran using the play button on actions configuration screen - in that you can see there is a logline : “I AM IN THIS HOOK”.

How can I troubleshoot this further?

Hi @sakshi

Welcome to the Auth0 Community.

I understand you’re finding that on your Sign Up flow the Post Registration Action is not being triggered. Please note that the Post Registration Action is only triggered for users within a database or passwordless connection as per our documentation here so for example, a social connection will not trigger it.

Are you using either a database or passwordless connection?

Warm regards.

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I see. I am using social logins: google, github.
For social logins, for a new user signup, which action can I use?

Hi @sakshi

You can use a post login action for social sign ups. Strictly speaking the social sign up is more or less the same as a login, the difference being a local account on the Auth0 side is created the first time a social user logs in/signs up and the login action will execute.

Warm regards.

I’d also like to differentiate between the first time user and repeat user login. Essentially I am logging an event in my event tracker on all user actions, and sign up is kind of an important one. Is there no way to do that?

Hi @sakshi

You may be able to harness the event.stats.logins_count property for that in a post login action, so a value of 1 would be first login

Warm regards


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