About database integration for passwordless authentication and social login

When using passwordless authentication or social login, I believe it would be a different connection from the database created under “Authentication → Database” in the Auth0 dashboard.

For example, is there a mechanism to use the same connection for passwordless authentication and social login as the database “Username-Password-Authentication”?

If so, please let me know how to set it up.
If not, please confirm that it’s not possible.

Thank you.

Hi @segiryamya,

Yes, you should be able to use all three connections on your app. By default, you should be able to use social and database connections simultaneously on the same login page. However, to use Passwordless, you would need to specify the connection parameter in the login request. This is because passwordless and database/social connections are handled differently in the login flow.

For example:



Let me know if you have any questions.



It seems that I asked the question incorrectly.

I understand that the authentication flows for passwordless authentication and database connection/social login are different.

I also understand that parameters can be specified in the request for passwordless authentication.

With that in mind, there are two questions I would like to ask.

① Even when using social login or passwordless authentication
Is it possible to link accounts created through database connection?

②Can you achieve account linking with Actions?
I understand that there was a mechanism for account linking in the past, but I think account linking is a feature in Rules that will be discontinued in the future.

Thank you.