401 error (Unauthorized) on Bubble


I’ve successfully integrated Auth0 with Bubble and the Auth0 login screen is up and running.

Now, I’m aiming to add buttons on my app (Google and LinkedIn) to enable users to easily log in or sign up using these single sign-on options.

However, I’ve encountered a 401 error, which I suspect might be due to the unchecked client credentials, although I’m not entirely certain.

I’d be incredibly grateful if someone could offer assistance, as I’ve been grappling with this issue for several days.

Thank you!

Hi @theodore,

I have just checked your tenant logs and found that your Application is trying to use the Client Credentials grant, but it is not allowed for the client.

This is not allowed for Single Page Applications. The client credentials flow is only for Regular Web Apps and Machine-to-Machine applications.


Thank you!

I changed to Regular Web Apps and I am still experiencing the same error.

Hi @theodore,

Did you make sure that you changed your Token Endpoint Authentication Method to POST?

It seems like you may have missed this step.

Please let me know how this goes for you.


Hi Ruben,

I just did what you asked and I am still experiencing the exact same thing.

Hi @theodore,

Thanks for following up.

I do not see any 401 Unauthorized errors on your tenant logs.

Could you pleae provide me a log ID of the failed login event?

Or could you please capture the login events in a HAR file and send them to me as a direct message?


Hi Ruben,

I don’t see any failed event in my logs!


Hi @theodore,

Thanks for following up.

To investigate this further, could you please capture the login events in a HAR file and send them to me as a direct message?


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