Issues when rendering additional sign-up fields in hosted login page

I added some additionalSignUpFields to the hosted login page but when rendered there are some problems:

  1. There is no space between the password field and the next one.
  2. On iOS the select types look wrong. (Please check the attached image)

![alt text][1]

Can anybody help fixing this?

The spacing situation should be fixed in Lock latest so it’s likely just a case of your hosted login page not using the latest version. On your dashboard you can enable the customization of the hosted login page and just update the Lock version being used. In relation to the second point I would need to check as it may still happen on latest.

Hi @jmangelo , thanks for your response. That’s true, I updated to the latest version and the spacing is fixed. The rendering on iOS is still wrong though…

Hi @jmangelo , thanks for your response. That’s true, I updated to the latest version and the spacing is fixed. The rendering on iOS is still wrong though…

For the rendering, I noticed you’re actively discussing it as part of this GH issue and for confirmed bugs on libraries that have public GH repositories that would also be my recommendation.