How to troubleshoot a problem that causes the generic (Oops!) error page to be shown?

I have an Angular app using the angular-lock module. I’m able to login via Auth0 but when it successfully logs in and redirects I get a big error message saying:

Oops!, something went wrong.

I am not sure what’s the cause. I am developing locally so my address to my app is http://localhost:8080 which is also listed as one of my allowed callback URL’s. I’m not sure what else it could be.


Technical details:

invalid_request: You may have pressed the back button, refreshed during login, opened too many login dialogs, or there is some issue with cookies, since we couldn’t find your session. Try logging in again from the application and if the problem persists please contact the administrator.


OTP Auth suceed

Logs show that it was a successful login but technical details shows a general error. One thing I noticed was that the “client” column of the logs shows N/A. Should that be showing the client associated to the clientID that was used? Could that be the issue?

Edit 2

So I think its an issue with using social connections in a dev environment. I created another user with just user/pass auth which seems to redirect just fine. I have another issue with my app not grabbing the session and seeing my user as logged in though. angular-lock doesn’t seem to be grabbing the access_token because when I use authManager.isAuthenticated() I don’t get anything back. Should I open a new post for this issue or should I continue to use this one?

If you encounter the generic error page (Oops!, something went wrong) there should be additional information about the specific error contained within that page. IIRC, some errors display immediately useful information in the body of the error page, but for other you may need to expand the Technical Details section.

With that information you may better trace the source of the problem. If you still don’t recognize the possible cause of the problem then update your question with the additional information you find.

Finally, in these situation you can also consult your account logs available through the Dashboard to see if they provide more information to help troubleshoot.

If you haven’t done so already for the problem related to the access token in Angular it’s best to open a new question so that you can focus on all the relevant details for that issue. In relation to the original problem, based on your last update the issue was caused by using social provider with dev keys, was that it? For reference information about the social provider dev keys usage, see: Test Social Connections with Auth0 Developer Keys