How to change value?

I would like to change the value for to the correct name of my company. Can someone tell me how to do this and where?

Can you be a bit more specific? Are you referring to the placeholder available in emails? If that’s the case you should configure the name of the client application associated to the action that triggers the email.

Hi - @jmangelo , thanks so much for replying to my Question. Please see attached some screenshots to help clarify my question. Essentially when I signed up for Auth0, I used a temporary name for my account, now that I have registered a proper name for my account, I would like to change it but I am unable to do it in Tenat settings page. So all my emails templates in Autho are using variable which points to the old company name.
Do you know how/where I can update the account name?

Hi - @jmangelo , thanks so much for replying to my Question. Please see attached some screenshots to help clarify my question. Essentially when I signed up for Auth0, I used a temporary name for my account, now that I have registered a proper name for my account, I would like to change it but I am unable to do it in Tenat settings page. So all my emails templates in Autho are using variable which points to the old company name.
Do you know how/where I can update the account name?

The tenant/domain name highlighted in screenshot 1 cannot be renamed; you would have to create a new tenant/domain. The in email templates is controlled by the name of the client application configured in the Clients section. Have in mind that the email template will use the name of the associated client application, but testing using the TRY button may default to the tenant domain because in the context of the TRY there is no specific client application.

You should use the TRY button mostly to check formatting and use a real flow through a client application you configured to get an idea of the final values being used in real usage where the email is being sent in the context of a specific client application.

I noticed that the emails sent with the TRY button had the wrong name for Your explanation makes sense!