Auth0-spa-js additionalSignUpFields

Hi @nfnlabs,

When you use auth0-spa-js from your app, the Auth0 SPA SDK handles grant and protocol details, token expiration and renewal, as well as token storage and caching. Under the hood, it implements Universal Login and the Authorization Code Grant Flow with PKCE.

(for more on which fields you can control from auth0-spa-js , please refer to @auth0/auth0-spa-js)

To add additional signup field you have to go to auth0 dashboard > Universal Login > Loing tab In the code below use using the Lock.js, you can add the additionalSignUpFields .

example :

 var lock = new Auth0Lock(config.clientID, config.auth0Domain, {
additionalSignUpFields: [
    		name: "full_name",
    		placeholder: "Enter your full name"

for more on this please have a look at Lock Configuration Options

I hope this helps.

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