Hello. I’m trying to incorporate Auth0 within the iOS project of a Xamarin.Forms application. I’ve been following the steps outlined in this article:
In the article, it states that, for iOS, the callback URL should be in the format: {BUNDLE IDENTIFIER}://{DOMAIN}/ios/{BUNDLE IDENTIFIER}/callback.
I’m using a custom domain as the DOMAIN, and my app’s bundle identifier as the BUNDLE IDENTIFIER. When attempting to sign in with this callback URL, after providing my credentials, the Auth0.OidcClient.Auth0Client.LoginAsync() method throws an exception with a message stating “Issuer (iss) claim mismatch in the ID token; expected "https://{DOMAIN}/", found "https://{DOMAIN}".” Notice that the difference is a trailing ‘/’ (slash). I’m not sure how to omit that trailing slash. I am using the following Auth0 nuget packages:
IdentityModel.OidcClient v5.2.1
Auth0.OidcClient.Core v3.2.7
Auth0.Oidcclient.iOS v3.3.7
I am new to auth0 and would appreciate any direction you can provide. Please let me know if additional information is required.
Thank you!