WordPress Subscribers Role Based Authentication

I work w/ a homeowner association. We want only people with tightly controlled, registered email addresses with roles of WordPress subscribers to be able to authenticate. Is that possible? Then they can connect thru Google, Facebook, etc, correct? Thanks!

I’m not sure I fully understand what your use case is, but if you are using an Auth0 hosted user database, you can certainly “pre-register” your known legitimate users, and then disable signups on that database. Then only the people you have pre-registered will be able to log in.

If you then want your users to be able to log in with their social media credentials, you will need to provide a mechanism to add those credentials to their profiles. A user profile page with buttons for “Add you Facebook login”, “Add your Google login”, etc.

Hi, @lesproctor, did you workout a solution. I’m trying to also use Auth0 + WP for only invited people.

One workflow I think @markd is advocating is to use Auth0 Database Connection; create / invite the new user in Auth0; but then in WP, allow register ( Generall Settings ) so that an Authenticated Auth0 user will cause a new WP User to be created and linked with the Auth0 user.

At the moment, I am suffering with Auth0 Plugin claiming that Signups are disabled even though they are enabled in WP.

@david.hall - If you can open another thread and either ping me or tag it WordPress, I’d be happy to help. If you can include reproduction steps and any error messages you see while logging in and in the plugin error log, that would be great.

@lesproctor - Apologies for the delay here. Do you still need guidance with this?