Winforms Classic Login displays "undefined"


I’m using the classic login experience in Winforms (nuget Auth0.OidcClient.WinForms v3.1.2), and the page will load with the message “Please enter your corporate credentials at undefined.”. What property would I need to set to have it not read “undefined”?


The reason I am using the classic login vs the new one is that it does not appear possible to remove the password reset option? I may be missing something there however.


it looks like you have a single enterprise connection configured without any IdP Domains defined. This can happen with Legacy Lock since it relies on Identifier First to display information about the connection.

Go into your Enterprise Connection and set an IdP Domain to fix this issue:

Screen Shot 2021-08-16 at 6.51.04 PM

Hope this helps!

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Thanks for helping on this one Marcus!