Why does my application /callback endpoint not get called with the OAuth code?

I am currently evaluating Auth0.

My use case: Auth0 is the service provider for PingFederate IDP using SAML. I have configured PingFederate with metadata.xml that I created following the Auth0 ping federate documentation.

A few important setup notes:

  • I have configured my application’s callback URL for localhost (doing local PoC)
  • I have enabled my PingFederate connection for the application
  • I have ensured that authorization code grant type is enabled

Up until the callback, everything works as expected. My flow works locally:

  • I can run my app locally
  • can click through to the lock widget
  • I get redirected to the PingFederate SSO login page
  • I enter my SSO credentials
  • I then see the redirect happen to Auth0 at {AUTH0_APP_URL}/login/callback
    and redirect again to my local app at localhost:3000/callback.

I expect my callback route to get called with with an authorization code and my state variable. With that code I can exchange for a token, and be off to the races.

I do not get either in response. Instead I get my SAML response and nothing else. This was unexpected.

If I didn’t care about getting metadata about the user, or making subsequent requests with a JWT…I would be fine. But I actually do want that JWT!

I can verify from Auth0 logs that I am successfully logging in, and Auth0 has captured metadata about my PingFederate user.

I am pretty new to this, so I’m sure I’m missing something pretty obvious. Thanks :smiley:!

Also, sorry for double post. I couldn’t find out how to delete an image from an existing post.


From the information provided the most likely cause for this is that you’re actually triggering an IdP-Initiate login through PingFederate. For IdP-Initiated the connection in Auth0 may be configured to forward the authentication to a specific application and one of the possibilities is to forward as a SAML protocol response.

You should check the connection settings in Auth0 to see if IdP-initiated is configured to send a SAML response to the application in question; if it is then this would explain the flow.

The recommendation would be to revise the configuration; I would say that the URL you configured to start the login with Ping is specific to IdP-Initiated so you should check their docs to obtain one for SP-Initiated (this page may be relevant - Ping Identity Support).

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@mackenzie-orange responded via email and not to the topic directly. The email read as follows @jmangelo:


I found the IdP-initated tab of my connection and switched it from SAML to OpenID Connect. I now see that my code is returned in the get request to my callback route!

The only missing is the state variable. I see the authorization code, but no state variable in the callback request. I guess I could remove that check in the boilerplate application I downloaded, but that seems like a bad idea.

Why might the state variable not be passed through?

Also, the IdP-initated tab is a little confusing. I am not using IdP-initated SSO, so why do I need to set anything here? There seems to be no way to disable it. I just have to choose an application and a type.

Thanks for your help!


I think my issue is mostly resolved.

We were incorrectly using the wrong server URL in ping federate. We were using an IDP-initiated URL not the SP-initiated URL.

This was not a problem with Auth0.

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