Why am I still getting "is not defined as a valid URL in Allowed Logout URLs" after I added it

I see http://localhost:3000 in the admin interface under Allowed Logout URLs, however, when I run it says…

<strong>invalid_request</strong>: The &#34;returnTo&#34; querystring parameter
					&#34;http://localhost:3000&#34; is not defined as a valid URL in &#34;Allowed Logout URLs&#34;. To
					add a new URL, please do it here: https://manage.auth0.com/#/account/advanced

Does it take some time? If so how long?

Hey there!

Can you share with me here the screenshot of your allowed logout urls for this application? Thank you!

This FAQ explains the cause and solution for the below error, so link it to this topic.

invalid_request: The "returnTo" querystring parameter "[https://YOUR_URL"](https://YOUR_URL)" is not defined as a valid URL in "Allowed Logout URLs"

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