I followed the instructions for the create-react-app tutorial here
I’m using Zeit Now (serverless) to setup my project but here’s the interesting part. On my localhost (now dev) i can login properly and it redirects to the correct domain but when I deploy to my now.sh domain the domain in the url path is undefined so I can never reach the login modal page. Pls advise here I’m stressing heavy on this haha.
Welcome to the Auth0 Community Forum! Hopefully we can alleviate some of that stress
It sounds like your configured domain is not being passed correctly. Can you post some info or examples of how you are configuring the auth0 in your project? Where are your env variables coming from. Please scrub of any sensitive data (tenant names, client id, secrets, etc.).
can you do a console log on the serverless setup to confirm that you are in fact able to get the env variables. I have seen something similar happen when users try to deploy and the env variables need configured in a different way for that platform.