What exactly connects SPA and Machine to Machine?

I use Vue.js and Laravel, and both have Auth0 SDK.
They functions as a front-end and a back-end, forming a single product.

I made 2 applications in Auth0, SPA and Machine to Machine.

In Vue SDK, AUTH0_CLIENT_ID is SPA’s Clinet ID.
In Laravel SDK, AUTH0_CLIENT_ID is Machine to Machine’s Clinet ID.

Both AUTH0_AUDIENCE are https://{MY_DOMAIN}/api/v2/.

So far, everything seems to be working well.

But I noticed that nothing connects SPA and Machine to Machine.
Adding more applications in the future could lead to problems.

What exactly connects SPA and Machine to Machine?
Are there any elementary misunderstandings?

Hi @t.fukao

Welcome back to the Auth0 Community!

Can you share a bit more information regarding your question, as I think I don’t understand it fully.


Thank you @dawid.matuszczyk .
I’m sorry for the unclear explanation.

I’m developing a website with Nuxt.js as the frontend framework and Laravel as the backend API framework.

(This diagram was originally used by another user, but Iet me borrow it because it fits my use case.)

In Auth0, I made a SPA application for Nuxt.js, and Machine to Machine application for Laravel.
(I’m not even sure if this is the right way to do.)

In this situation, Auth0 is unable to determine that the SPA and the Machine to Machine constitute a single website.

This is what I’m worrying about.