Hi. We’re running a custom login form that connects to a regular auth0 database connection for login. We can log in successfully with Google but when we try to log in with a user in the database we get the following error result:
Error: “access_denied”
Description: “No Access”
We’ve double checked that we have the right username and password (the login request works, and redirects us to our callback url). We’ve double checked the realm name (we get a 404 error if we don’t use the right database name.) We’ve checked that we have the right client ID. We can still log in with Google or another non-database method. None of the documentation explains what “No Access” means. Can someone help point me in the right direction?
Log entry of the failed login:
"date": "2023-03-22T16:53:10.827Z",
"type": "f",
"description": "No access",
"connection": "Regular-Database",
"connection_id": "con_zyuWKeE5vbftrdFh",
"client_id": "gEcLl7HKYfOReHoOfO4ifMAeIE0Z41hc",
"client_name": "Client",
"ip": "2001:569:be00:dd00:7cd7:4bb:b47a:2269",
"user_agent": "Firefox 110.0.0 / Mac OS X 10.15.0",
"details": {
"body": {},
"qs": {
"state": "8rYvwdb9zv892XPtqVXaFgoe8pzpOoUH"
"connection": "Regular-Database",
"error": {
"message": "No access",
"oauthError": "access_denied",
"type": "oauth-authorization"
"session_id": "WsgM9eIm4oajcYQ4GRvNIM6agxz_nVSZ",
"actions": {
"executions": [
"stats": {
"loginsCount": 17
"hostname": "our-domain.auth0.com",
"user_id": "auth0|6419f89c8ac1792a9a3b6fb5",
"user_name": "username",
"strategy": "auth0",
"strategy_type": "database",
"audience": "https://our-domain.auth0.com/userinfo",
"scope": [
"log_id": "90020230322165313534202000000000000001223372039073226448",
"_id": "90020230322165313534202000000000000001223372039073226448",
"isMobile": false,
"id": "90020230322165313534202000000000000001223372039073226448"