I am trying to customize my login page experience yet the liquid syntax is failing me. How do I get past this? It says that you have to use the Management API to update the template… but surely… there has to be another way… I mean… to send a file template of code through an API every time to update?
@rueben.tiow There’s no specific error per se but what I am hearing is… to use the new Universal Login Experience with liquid syntax… you have to update it via API call where the template goes through a string as a value? Why is the Developer Experience so poor in this aspect?
That is correct. You must use the Management API to make calls to update the New Universal Login page templates.
There are alternatives such as using the Auth0 CLI to customize your New Universal Login page templates. See here to learn more.
Lastly, if you have any suggestions on how we can improve the Developer Experience, I recommend writing us a Feedback request asking for an improvement for the New Universal Login Experience.