Using Auth0 as SSO for CockroachDB

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I’d like to use Auth0 for CockroachDB as SSO. But in testing the SSO from CockroachDB settings panel, I keep getting invalid token, HTTP error 400.
In greater details:
In Auth0 I’ve created Regular Web Application, called it CockroachDB, filled Allowed callback URL with, and Application Login URI with
In CockroachDB I’ve entered in the configuration:
Issuer URL: Client ID and Client Secret.

On Test Connection it keeps failing with HTTP error code 400 with a message invalid token. So the SSO Test Connection stays Unverified

The flow is: 302 302 302 302 400

Am I missing something in the settings of Auth0 since there is nothing more to setup in CockroachDB.

I’ve received reply from CockroachDB’s support:
The trace ID points to the following error that occurred on your login attempt:
auth0.clientError: Invalid subject claim

The error means that the claim string received from Auth0 didn’t have the expected 2 or 3 components after being split on | .
We expect the Auth0 subject claims to match either the form <auth0 conn>|<id> or <sso protocol>|<auth0 conn>|<id> .
For example github|12345 or samlp|crl-saml|12345 .

Hope this helps.