I am trying to use the api/v2/logs endpoint to get a set of log entries. When I invoke https://[domain]/api/v2/logs?q=type:sepft, I can filter the results so that only events with the type “sepft” (successful exchange of password for token) show up in the search.
But now I want to also filter by date. And when I try “https://[domain]/api/v2/logs?q=type:sepft AND date:[* TO 2021-04-08]” it is considered a bad request with the error message “The query ‘type:sepft AND date:[* TO 2021-04-08]’ cannot be parsed.”
The documentation (https://auth0.com/docs/logs/log-search-query-syntax) says that AND, OR, and NOT operators are supported, but does not give any examples of their use.
What is the proper way to use AND when searching the logs?
Thank you.