User with Blocked(Bruteforce) is Able to Login


This article explains why a user is able to log in when their account is in the Blocked(Bruteforce) state.

The following settings are enabled:

  • Brute-force Protection enabled
  • Block Brute-force Logins - enabled

Applies To

  • Brute-force Protection
  • Blocked(Bruteforce)


Brute-force protection safeguards against a single IP address attacking a single user account.


Review the backend logs and check for which IP the user is blocked under User Management > Users > Search the user > Raw JSON .

 "blocked_for": [
      "identifier": "",
      "connection": "Username-Password-Authentication",
      "ip": ""

The recent login is from a different IP address -—which is why they are able to log in.

You can check the logs corresponding to the user under Dashboard > Monitoring > Logs:
