User History/Logs

Feature: User History event logs should be sorted by time at which they occurred

Description: Currently, it seems like not all user history event logs are sorted by time occurred. Maybe this is a bug?

When looking at one of our users (auth0|60870f0fc226d40068a2f480), in the management dashboard → User DetailsHistory, I see 3 events.

They are listed in order, from top to bottom, as I see them (see screenshot):

  • Event C (success change password, “date”: “2021-04-26T22:37:19.835Z”)
  • Event B (success exchange, “date”: “2021-04-26T22:37:20.272Z”)
  • Event A (success verification email, “date”: “2021-04-26T22:37:01.249Z”)

I expect the top event log to have occurred most recently. In this particular case, since Event B (22:37:20) occurred after Event C (22:37:19), I expect the logs to instead be sorted in this order, with Event B at the top:

  • Event B (success exchange, “date”: “2021-04-26T22:37:20.272Z”)
  • Event C (success change password, “date”: “2021-04-26T22:37:19.835Z”)
  • Event A (success verification email, “date”: “2021-04-26T22:37:01.249Z”)


I frequently use User History log events to debug and try to parse together what lead to a particular failure. A list of events that’s not sorted adds difficulty to debugging workflows.

(Maybe this is a bug?)

Thanks for sharing that! Let’s see how many community members will be interested in such improvement!

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