Use SFSafariViewController

“SFSafariViewController will not automatically capture the callback URL when Auth0 redirects back to your app, so it’s necessary to manually resume the Web Auth operation”

Hi, guys!
Help me, pls, I can’t figure where should I put it in my SwiftUI code?

.onOpenURL { url in
WebAuthentication.resume(with: url)

Hey there!

Here’s a step by step two parts tutorial how to integrate authentication from Auth0 using SwiftUI:

Hey, Konrad!
Thanks for your answer. Yep, it’s a great tutorial, which is what I used.
This tutorial has a link to a note on how to get rid of the warning screen in Safari.

And this note says: put it in your code:

.onOpenURL { url in
WebAuthentication.resume(with: url)

but I don’t understand where to.

Can you actually ask it there in a GitHub issue so that the repo maintainers can provide you with a direct answer? Thank you!

I did’t find a form, where I can ask a question.

You can raise it here:

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