Updating users from external providers fails

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I need to be able to update users’ given_name, family_name and picture attributes. From Management API V2 documentation I see that full user has to be provided with updated fields to update endpoint. I do not change user’s e-mail (the same one is provided back to API), but I get “Cannot update email for this user” error. The error reproduces on Google IdP and Microsoft IdP (personal accounts) users.

Microsoft Entra ID IdP (corporate accounts) cannot be updated at all (error about inability to update given_name, family_name etc., with this link provided: Configure Identity Provider Connection for User Profile Updates).

We use Auth0 .NET package for Management API interaction v7.26.2. All three IdP connections have “Sync user profile attributes at each login” turned off.

I figured out how to deal with Google and personal Microsoft, but Microsoft Entra ID integration is still requires clarification