Update "Change Password (Link)" email template not updating by terraform


When I run a pipeline deploy with this terraform script, the “Change Password (Link)” email template is not updated in auth0. The documentation says options are reset_email, change_password (legacy), or password_reset (legacy). reset_email and password_reset fail in the pipeline. change_password successfully runs but no template is updated. Which template do we use for “Change Password (Link)” or “Change Password (Code)”. The current docs are not very clear.

The error I get when it fails is: Error: 400 Bad Request: The template property provided in payload must match the template in the URL.
304│ with auth0_email_template.reset_password_email_template,
305│ on branding.tf line 138, in resource “auth0_email_template” “reset_password_email_template”:
306│ 138: resource “auth0_email_template” “reset_password_email_template” {

The TF script is:
resource “auth0_email_template” “reset_password_email_template” {
depends_on = [auth0_email_provider.smtp_email_provider]
template = “change_password”
subject =
from =
body =
result_url =
syntax = “liquid”
url_lifetime_in_seconds = 86400
enabled = true


Hi @david.isackson,

The correct email template you should change should be the reset_email.

This is also mentioned in this related communtiy post.

Let me know if you have any further questions.


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