Unknown client with python regular web app at first try


Started trying the sample.

Following exactly the steps to create regular web app python and then the steps to install with requirements.txt, .env, server.py, home.html…etc and here is the error below. The funny thing is the below client ID is not found anywhere?? Seems it’s got created out of thin air and used in the request and then generated below error. Another is that the redirect callback path is not right. In my application, it has already been set to localhost:3000/callback. Not sure what’s wrong.


“client_id”: “woUWI7M8AYgcycCkAFUkinQ8JMDKY1i7”,
“connection_id”: “”,
“date”: “2024-07-13T09:39:48.899Z”,
“description”: “Unknown client: woUWI7M8AYgcycCkAFUkinQ8JMDKY1i7”,
“details”: {
“body”: {},
“error”: {
“message”: “Unknown client: woUWI7M8AYgcycCkAFUkinQ8JMDKY1i7”,
“oauthError”: “invalid_request”,
“type”: “request-error”
“qs”: {
“audience”: “”,
“client_id”: “woUWI7M8AYgcycCkAFUkinQ8JMDKY1i7”,
“code_challenge”: “eK2PS03LkAZgrpDY-UYk8wV5hzNrWzXNY45hBtOzM70”,
“code_challenge_method”: “S256”,
“nonce”: “mg4b4J8xVSxKR8Dq_G0HttZAltKP-8PNVHB6pWjkHjQ”,
“redirect_uri”: “http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback”,
“response_type”: “code”,
“scope”: “openid profile”,
“state”: “eyJyZXR1cm5UbyI6Imh0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6MzAwMCJ9”
“session_id”: “tvbFhX2vEyiZjEdTgReKzoO9EKdAi1Sz”
“hostname”: “dev-1528yk2n7i4q2f24.jp.auth0.com”,
“ip”: “”,
“type”: “f”,
“user_agent”: “Chrome 126.0.0 / Windows 10.0.0”,
“log_id”: “90020240713093949016473000000000000001223372038792262085”,
“tenant_name”: “dev-1528yk2n7i4q2f24”,
“_id”: “90020240713093949016473000000000000001223372038792262085”,
“isMobile”: false,
“id”: “90020240713093949016473000000000000001223372038792262085”

Hey there @kenneth.c.y.fong welcome to the community!

Are you working off of this example? If not, can please let us know in which specific example you’re running into this error?

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