Universal Login login page customization points

We have two websites shared same tenant, and now trying to use Universal Login page template to achieve the looking and feel from designer in the login page. We can add header, footer fine, but for the Auth0 widget part, the options are very limited, apart from customize text, font etc…

What we want to achieve is close to customization points offered in Sign-up Prompt Customizations, so we can use custom query parameters to conditionally render different HTML depends on which website is using.

Please suggest anything could achieve this goal, thanks in advance.

Hi @dyu1,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

The best way to render different content depending on your application is through the New Universal Login page template variables for the required prompts.

If necessary, you can utilize the customization points provided in the Sign Up Prompt Customizations. However, these customization points are only available in the Sign-Up prompts, meaning you won’t be able to use them for other prompts, such as the login prompts.

Unfortunately, this is the extent to which you can customize the New Universal Login experience. If you would like to see customization points available in other prompts besides the sign-up prompt, I recommend creating a feedback request with the details of your use case to support this suggestion.

I hope this helped!

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.


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